
Showing posts from September, 2011

Crazy Hormones - the first 3 months!!!

Dear blog, I promised to let you know when the stork visited my humble house again and so here I am sharing the good news with you....yes I am expecting my second child and am currently in my 15th week .........oh you ask why I took so long in sharing the good news with u ? don't be angry dear blog, I can explain. The last 2 months I have been either miserable or don't get me wrong ....I am very happy, in fact ecstatic about my pregnancy ( had been planning for quite sometime but our vagabond life & my back injury had forced us to keep the plans on the back burner for long ). However, spending most of my waking hours holding the bathroom basin either throwing up or waiting to throw up is not my idea of bliss if u know what I mean!!! Of course I keep reminding myself that it is all for a good end and that this too will pass....but still the nausea does 'nauseate my senses' and when the cardamoms, the ginger, the diversions and the anti-vomit

Moms only know 'P' for Punishment!!!

Needless to say, mothers go through myriad emotions through their incredible journey....there are the obvious highs ....the first smile, the first word uttered, the first uncertain step, the time when they return with their first medal from school or simply the time they embrace u and tell you how much they love u :-). But as much as we hate to admit it there are many lows too.....the 'unable to sleep- unable to shower' state of early motherhood; the bawling of only your infant in public transport while other kids on board are blissfully asleep; the throwing of tantrums in the middle of a shopping mall; the obstinacy of a teenager and the defiance of your kids ( all ages ) against any rule-setting. I faced a particularly low moment a few nights before, when I was patting my 4 year old son in bed, asking him to calm down and sleep as it was getting late. After many failed attempts at getting him to stop talking, trying to climb the wall like a superhero and hopping like a frog