
Showing posts from March, 2013

Send Me to The Gallows, if You Will!

I Deserve the Gallows, Readers! Yes, dear blog I know I have been absent for too long.  I confess I am guilty and I won't even ask for forgiveness this time. If the blogosphere envisaged a punishment for absenteeism - I would surely deserve the gallows!! So what happened, you may well ask??- Plenty actually! All this while I had loads of news and views to share but I got side-tracked and (yes I admit) lazy. Recap -April 2012 to March 2013  Is it even possible to recap one whole year in one single post? Well we live to try, isn't it? So here is my attempt to recap the events in my life in the past one year that occupied me, touched me, inspired me, changed my life for the better or for worse. April  to June 2012-  Welcoming the Baby and the Guests; 23rd April, 2012, Monday, 10.47 p.m - was when we welcomed our second son Akshit into the world. Since it was to be a planned C-section (the gyne was reluctant to do a VBAC for me), we had decided to have the baby on