
Showing posts from June, 2011

My Maiden Attempt at Meditation and The Lessons Learnt!

What do people do when they are trying to find a new meaning to the mundane routine called life? What do they do when they seek inner balance within? What proffers an orgasmic high to some; is the spiritual connect of celebs and is purported to be the panacea for all ills these days? The answer is not really so difficult if you think of how many times you have read or heard of the words MEDITATE and MEDITATION every day from celebrity interviews to health and fitness magazines to spiritual talk. Everyone talks about meditation and the miracles it bestows on us vain people. I too have been enamored by the promise of tranquility and mental happiness that meditation for a while. So after toying with the idea for some time and reasoning with myself on why I should pursue this path towards self-actualization, I decided to take the plunge. A back injury that left me grounded for six months definitely helped the cause. The obvious questions arose; how to meditate, how much to meditate, w