Blatant Plagiarism - The shame of it!
My last blog post on Tiger mommies and Asian parenting has been copied word by word, ditto, verbatim by a nondescript user Jp6363 on a site called which has no contact info whatsoever .....within hours of my post having been published. No link has been provided to my blog and even my blog name 'creative musings' has been picked up. In fact the cheek of it is that my blog heading has been created with a permalink to that very bogus site.
The blatant act is so mindless (or maybe the work of a software) that not even a single 'I' has been changed. So user Jp6363 I assume is a mother of a boy like me, is an Asian parent like me and has moved from India, to UK to Singapore like me - right user Jp6363??? Would you like to copy this blog post too?
The blatant act is so mindless (or maybe the work of a software) that not even a single 'I' has been changed. So user Jp6363 I assume is a mother of a boy like me, is an Asian parent like me and has moved from India, to UK to Singapore like me - right user Jp6363??? Would you like to copy this blog post too?